POA OE 2023

Software Company
550 Attendees

Catalyzing Change Through Collaboration

The attendee experience for ADP’s Plan of Action Open Enrollment conference was a result of the creativity born in collaboration with ADP and Unbridled Productions. Taking place in New Orleans, Louisiana, the conference spanned 3 days at the Hyatt Regency. Attending the site visit, co-creating with ADP’s designers, and supporting all the general sessions from content development to rehearsals to run-of-show, was all made possible through mutual trust and artistic vision.

In addition to stage design, content, and overall production, Unbridled Productions teamed with the event tech crew at Unbridled to develop a conference app, streaming support, and breakout support. These services all culminated to an engaging experience and left a memorable impact on the attendees.

3 Days
125’ custom LED screen
30 custom motion graphics, 3 custom videos
3 keynote speakers

Presentation Design & Motion Graphics

ADP made our work easy by coming to the table with clear ideas and direction. Our extension of their team was to bring those ideas to life with rich motion graphics and beautiful design. The presentation design team polished and optimized each of their slide decks to make them ready for the big screen, while the motion graphics artists created seamless and engaging visuals throughout the production, from animated logos, transitions, and title cards, to show openers. Throughout the process, our partnership was not only collaborative, but smooth and easy.

Logo Animations
Show Graphics Package


Sister company, Unbridled Media, provided the onsite photography and videography, cutting together a recap video for the final day of the program, and captured memorable moments throughout the 3-day event.

Opening Video (Center Screen)
Recap Video

Event Production

Our production team provided all the nuts and bolts for a beautiful stage, along with a minute-by-minute show flow that was built alongside the client contact directly. We also provided pre-show services such as hair & makeup, offsite and on-site speaker rehearsals, and a security schedule to ensure the safety of all the attendees.

Attendee Responses

"Our keynote speakers and presenters charged the minds of over 500 associates all focused to help our clients succeed. This could not have been possible without our amazing production partners, Unbridled! THANK YOU!"

OE Attendee

"To our partners at Unbridled — thanks for everything, especially believing in my crazy music selects. From Master P to Coldplay … you get me."

OE Attendee

"A highlight from the program was seeing my teammates grow their confidence and watch their pride swell when they saw months of their hard work come to life."

OE Attendee

"I keep waking up with a heart so full of gratitude it just might burst. Why? Because, last week, POA 2023 live from #nola was everything we worked for and prayed for. Fun. Fulfilling. Fierce."

OE Attendee

"POA 2023 was a success!! We’re ready to rock Open Enrollment!"

OE Attendee

"POA lived up to the hype. I’ve been hearing about it for over 3 years now and though this was technically my 3rd one, it was my first one in person. It was everything everyone said it would be and more."

OE Attendee

"Still can’t believe what fun we had and how inspiring it all was. The best time with the best people so that we’re ready to give our all to OE. Can’t wait to do it all again next year in Denver."

OE Attendee

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